Yesterday I've registered to take the driving license. Yay! and yesterday also, I've taken the 5 hours course before the road law thingy test. Well, quite boring. And I was kinda scared because I met all kinds of people... I'm not really used to outside world surrounding, if you know what I mean. Because before this, my world just involved school and home, and the internet. Apart from that, I've successfully taken it! yay.. and the law test will be on thursday. Hope I'll pass with just one try. And of course, the course took a whole day, so I had no time for the internet and drawing what so ever.
Oh, btw, I made this 2 days ago, when I'm bored and the internet kinda screwed up that I couldn't log on...
Whoever want to put this up in their website or wherever, I allowed it! just take it... and you can even erase my name there.. hehe.. (but I doubt anyone wants to take it anyway.. )
Oh, btw, I made this 2 days ago, when I'm bored and the internet kinda screwed up that I couldn't log on...
Whoever want to put this up in their website or wherever, I allowed it! just take it... and you can even erase my name there.. hehe.. (but I doubt anyone wants to take it anyway.. )
Awww, cutenye banners tu! Hehe, did you scan a drawing first? The outlines look like pen.
My brother Anas just took that 5 hour drive seminar thing too. His b'day was in November so after SPM baru start register and all... Haha, next year he'll have to drive me and my lil' bros to school every single day :P Until he gets a real job or goes to college or whatever.
Yeah I understand what you mean about the outside world stuff. Like you're a real grown-up and out in the real world and by yourself. That day at a buka puasa thing for my mother's work, everybody was all like budak muda-muda lagi, guys with rambut panjang and just weird, weird people. My mother said we all have to just work with each other eventhough some people might seem different. We can't just hang around with "our" type of people. I guess that's life.
Enough babbling. Heheh. I'll go study Kimia now ;P
Thanks Mai for commenting on my blog.
And yeh, I like your images very much. They are sho shweet.
OMG. You've registered to take driving liscence. I mean I should have said MashaAllah. *sorry*. But I said OMG because I am personally very afraid of driving
Anyway, have a great day sister.
Its really great to see a Muslim sister around.
Keep blogging!
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