Thursday, August 19, 2004


Argh! *stretching* hoh, I'm so tired! having headache but not severe. Well, it's because I'm fasting today and I don't even have my sahur (eat before subuh time). I never sahur unless it's Ramadan but then it made me having headache! feel really dehydrated.
School's so stressful for everyone now especially for us, form 5. Some people started to cry.. huhu. not me, eh! But I'm stressed with all the pressure the teachers put on us. It's good though, to maintain the momentum to keep our study on. Much to revise! I feel like there isn't enough time. But then, it's never too late. Just revise as many subjects you can till the last minutes, Some people said study last minute won't work. But I don't know, it works for me! heheh... but do not follow my footsteps, guys! who knows God wants to teach me a lesson that He failed me in SPM?! oh Auzubillah min zalik! Oh GOD, please help me in SPM!
Oh, I'm so tired that I can't even think what more to write. Pen off!


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