Sunday, January 23, 2005

Quiet Wishes: Mai K Derwis

Plenty of good news.
1. I've received my first payment ever! RM 500! hee, I don't know what to do with the money. Just keep it I guess. My siblings are always begging me to buy something for them, but I just ignored it. Well, there are 9 of them! what do you expect me to do? haha.. I'm not that rich yet... But I've given my mum 1/5 of it. Just as present, my first payment :). It's not much either. But other than that, the money is still untouched. I received it on the 19th by the way.

2. It's holiday! for 5 days! heh, well, 3 days have passed, but still, I'm glad it's holiday. I guess I'll have enough break before continue to work again. It's Eiduladha. So we went back to Kampung (my dad's hometown). Well, it was kinda boring. Not as good as EidulFitri. Not every relatives of mine came back.. no friend, nothing to do except eat and sleep. So I ate and slept all the time. Haha..

3. Had driving class this afternoon and felt good about it. I can drive calmly now! and like a pro.. haha.. yeah rite. The good news is, the instructor always made me flattered by her words.. always said that I'm good and a fast learner.. haha.. so tomorrow I'll have another class... I've got the 'L' license already :)

4. I might be having a mp3 player.. just around the corner.. yay. Have been wishing for it for a long time.. but I didn't care to much about it... digital camera is my priority.. but too expensive I guess (the one I like is about RM 2000... better buy a new pc)

5. I got to eat lamb chop that I had been longing for a very very long time... very very yummy! I had a victory feeling when eating it! I felt good..!

That's all for now, I guess.. haha.


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